March 4, 2021 | Wilson
An agreement has been reached on the Wilson Creek Development rezoning allowing Matthews-based developer Provident Bayard LLC to purchase Wilson Acres LLC.
Wilson Acres, which is located at the Southwest corner of Shelley Mullis and Henry Harris Blvd, will become a residential development called Wilson Creek. The development plan includes 325 homes on 169 acres that will back up to Six Mile Creek.
In early February Dana Wilson, one of Wilson Acres's owners, signaled the family’s support of the land rezoning when she spoke to the Lancaster County Council. Wilson shared that her family has owned and farmed the land for over 200 years. “While on paper it looks like the rezoning request is coming from a developer, in truth it is the request of the Wilson family.” Wilson explained that the family wants to sell, and their ability to sell the land is contingent upon retaining the rezoning of the property.
At the February 22nd Council meeting, Council approved the rezoning of the request from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density (MDR) which allows for the development of the subdivision.
In addition to the 169 acres, Provident Bayard LLC will donate 2 acres to the county for public safety or public service use.
While the proposed impact fees have not been finalized, the developer has agreed to pay what is called a Rooftop Fee of $2,180 per home, a school fee of $500 per home, and share in the $1 million dollar plus cost of a roundabout at Henry Harris and Shelly Mullis to ease traffic.
would like to know, if, and when there will be a show room, and houses plans, and at what point in time, sale people.
Thank you.
Shelly Mullis Rd, not Shelly Morris.