Lancaster County School Board releases plans for returning to school 4 days a week
Survey results are in, and a plan has been made for students to return to 4 day face-to-face instruction
In October, the Lancaster County School Board sent out a survey to parents and employees on the potential return to school 4 days a week. The survey asked how comfortable parents and employees were with moving back to face-to-face instruction 4 to 5 days a week with plexiglass installed in classrooms. On October 29th, Superintendent of the Lancaster County School District Dr. Johnathan Phipps met with the Board Trustees and discussed the results of the survey.
The results showed that the majority of participants felt safer returning to school with plexiglass installed in classrooms.
Here are the survey results on how comfortable parents and employees were moving back to face-to-face instruction WITHOUT plexiglass installed in classrooms.
From these results, Dr. Phipps said that they had ordered plexiglass for classrooms and he expected they would be shipped to the schools in mid-November. Once the plexiglass is delivered, they will need 2 weeks for installation.
Elementary School - After the installation is complete, elementary school students who chose the in-person instruction would be moved from 2 days a week to 4 days a week with Friday being the day set aside for cleaning and virtual instruction. Both A day and B day students will attend in-person Monday - Thursday.
Middle School - After elementary school students return, one week later the same plan will roll out for middle school students to return.
High School - High schoolers will begin their in-person instruction 4 days a week after winter break in January.
See the video message from Dr. Phipps here.
Parents still have the choice to allow their children to continue with full virtual instruction.
Parents also have the choice to switch from the hybrid model to fully virtual if they are not comfortable going back in-person 4 days a week.
Students and employees will still wear masks at all times.
See full update from the meeting here.