Jim Wilson Rd. and Kensington Dr. are getting some much-needed attention
One road divided by state lines is scheduled for major construction after becoming increasingly dangerous
June 10, 2021 | Wilson
Jim Wilson and Kensington roads are one continuous road divided by the N.C. and S.C. state lines. Due to the rapid growth of neighborhoods and increased through traffic, both roads are in desperate need of repair. Thousands of people take the bumpy ride to and from Waxhaw, N.C., and Lancaster, S.C. every day. Each state has sections of potholes that have become increasingly dangerous.
The roads are getting some much-needed attention soon. Road construction of Jim Wilson has already begun. The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) shared that they are in the first phase which includes adding shoulders and guardrails to two miles of the road. Phase two will be repaving and resurfacing. The work is anticipated to be completed by this fall.
Kensington Road is on the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) list of 50 roads that are scheduled to be resurfaced. Waxhaw.com announced that contracting is scheduled to begin this summer with work completed by next summer.
We reached out to SCDOT to make sure they were aware of NCDOT’s plans, as roadwork on both streets at the same time could quickly become a nightmare for residents. The two DOTs did connect and discovered that they are both using the same contractor which will reduce the likelihood of construction at the same time.
The DOTs began the conversation of possibly doing the final surface paving at the same time. The partnership would ensure a smooth ride over the state lines. There is no guarantee that this will happen, however with the roundabout also planned (see below), it is a good thing that the DOTs are connecting.
Currently, Kensington is home to four neighborhoods in Waxhaw including the mega-subdivision MillBridge. MillBridge is still building and will consist of 1,900 homes when completed. Lindsey Meadows is currently under construction and will be the fifth neighborhood on that street.
Jim Wilson is home to four neighborhoods and also includes a mega-subdivision, Walnut Creek. Walnut Creek is still building out and will consist of over 2,000 homes when completed.
Plans for a roundabout on Henry Harris Rd. and Jim Wilson Rd. are approved but are not part of the project this year. SCDOT expects that that will be handled by a consultant, and probably won’t be started until next year at the earliest.
Add your voice to SCDOT’s 2021 -2022 Pavement Improvement Program
On May 20, the SC Transportation Commission approved SCDOT's plan to repave nearly 1,000 more miles of roadway during the fiscal year 2021-2022, thanks to the state gas tax increase. The new plan is the largest annual paving program in SCDOT history. See the full plan here.
SCDOT is requesting public comment on the proposed 2021-22 Pavement Improvement Program here until June 16.
How stupid. Pave the road (Kensington already done) and then tear it up for a dangerous roundabout. People ignore the rules in a roundabout.